Friday, August 17, 2012


 "The Coy Fish Pond"


 " The Girl and Her Garden"

These are some of my favorite photographs.  My main goal with this project was the lighting and color. I only used natural lighting and I used it in a way to give an effect to the photographs. I really like the lighting in "The Coy Fish Pond". It perfectly splits the water in half one side dark and one side bright. It really adds a dramatic effect to the photograph and gives the photograph a nice flow to the moving eye. I thought the fish were perfectly positioned. I got really lucky with that!
On both photographs I really messed with the colors/saturation. I wanted to pop out the green in
"The girl and her garden" and pop out the orange in the coy fish. One of my favorite things to do is post editing my photographs. I love to mess with the saturation/color and add texture. To me it is a perfect way to get my message across in my photographs.

So far these are some of my favorite pieces of work. I hope you like it as much as I do.

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